Governing Board
A Governing Board is a decision-making body established within each school, according to Section 42 of the Education Act of Ministère de l’Education.
Governing Boards assist in defining policy guidelines and operating procedures to meet the needs of all students. They are responsible for issues touching on the financial, educational, and operational life of the school, including the development of school policies.
All Governing Board decisions must be made in the best interest of ALL students within the school.
What is governing board?
A school Governing Board is an administrative committee comprised of both staff and parent representatives. Its underlying mission is to help meet the needs of all students.
Governing Boards have been granted powers and functions via the Quebec Education Act.
The composition of the Governing Board includes at least four parent reps, at least four school staff reps (of whom half are teachers), one daycare staff representative, and two community representatives (optional).
All members are elected by their peers, except the community representatives, who are appointed by the Governing Board members. All members are entitled to make proposals and to vote, except the community representatives, who are not entitled to vote.
The principal takes part in Governing Board meetings but is not entitled to vote.
How are governing board members elected?
Before September 30 of each year, a General Assembly of Parents is held at the school. Those interested in becoming parent representatives will have submitted candidacy letters beforehand and are asked to address the Assembly. At the General Assembly, parents are called upon to elect parent representatives for both the Governing Board and Region Parents’ Committee.
Teachers, non-teaching professional staff, support staff, and daycare staff meet in turn to elect their representatives.
The chair of the Governing Board is chosen from among the parent representatives. The chair is elected by all members who are entitled to vote at the first Governing Board meeting. The chair’s term of office is one year.
The Governing Board cannot be formed if the parents fail to elect the required number of representatives. The principal then exercises the powers of the Governing Board. If the other groups do not elect the required number of representatives, the Governing Board carries on with the representatives elected.
The parents’ term of office is two years. The term of office of staff and community members is one year.
Responsibilities and powers of the governing board
The Governing Board is given very specific functions while the principal’s powers are more comprehensive and deal with the quality of services, management of resources, etc.
- School Educational Project and Success Plan
- Student Supervision Policy
- Rules of Conduct and Safety Measures
- School’s Annual Budget
- Community Services Use of School
- Special Funding to Support School Activities
- Pooling of Goods and Services
- Implementing the Basic School Regulation
- Local Programs of Study
- Subject Time Allocation
- Programming of Educational Activities
- Implementing Student and Special Educational Services
The principal is the source of the proposals debated at Governing Board meetings; the Governing Board is not asked to develop content but rather to adopt or approve the proposals submitted by the principal.
Members 2023-2024
Parent Representatives
Cristina Carpanzano
Laura Catalano
Jennifer Cox
Tania D’Amico
Janna De Rycke
Heather Little
Kim Teolis
Romina Tomaro
Staff Representatives
Nadia Abdalla Support Staff
Tara Branston
Caterina Bruno SEED Daycare & Lunch
Ginette Fougère
Christina George
Natalie La France
Tracy Lyall
Sarah Wareham
Malik Shaheed
Douglas Stewart
You can contact our Governing Board Chair with any questions or concerns at