Parent Participation Organization (PPO)
The Parent Participation Organization (PPO) gives the opportunity to a larger number of parents to be more directly involved in the life of a school.
What are the Functions of the Parent Participation Organization?
The purpose of the PPO is as follows:
- to encourage parents’ participation in fostering their child’s success;
- to encourage the collaboration of parents in developing, implementing and evaluating the school’s educational project. As well, it may advise the parent members on the governing board about parents’ concerns. The governing board parent members may consult the PPO when additional input from parents is needed (s.96.3). The Parent Participation Organization can play a valuable role and support the work of the governing board by effectively communicating with the parent body at large;
- letting parents know about what is going on at the school and what the needs are letting parents know about what is going on at the school and what the needs are;
- finding out about parents’ concerns. There are no regulations governing the size and general operation of a Parent Participation Organization except, as mentioned, that the parents attending the AGA determine its name, its composition, its operating rules and elects its members.
Each parent community has the flexibility to organize its PPO to best suit the conditions, i.e., the number of parents who wish to be involved and the tasks that need to be done.
The Parent Participation Organization (PPO), as described in the Education Act, is directly involved in this work: “The purpose of a parent participation organization is to encourage the collaboration of parents in developing, implementing and periodically evaluating the school’s educational project and their participation in fostering their child’s academic success.”
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