Principal’s Message
In the school setting, we must ensure two essential components to ensure a child’s access to learning: Calming the mind and building trust through supportive, caring relationships. All the flashcards and tutoring in the world will not help a child who cannot interact with their world from a perspective of emotional or physical safety. One supportive relationship can be the essential difference for a child struggling to grow into a mature adult with a healthy, positive self-regard.
Do you remember that one person who made a difference in your life? For some of us, that one person made all the difference. Our team is trying to make that same difference for the students in their care. Through ongoing staff training and the addition of specialized professionals, our programming has incorporated well established SEL strategies in the classroom. These strategies include class meetings, mood meters, peace corners, class charters, adapted seating, teacher-student mentoring, peer mediators, daily check-in’s for “at-risk students”, breakfast club, girls’ groups, in addition to many extracurricular activities that appeal to kids varied interests.
We have also modified our weekly schedules to include Terry’s Trailblazer’s, where students are assigned to multi-level groups grade K5 to grade 6, for one hour weekly of SEL skills building, art and cooperative games.
And we haven’t forgotten our school’s namesake. At Terry Fox the school, we have channeled the values of Terry Fox the man, as an example to us all: Generosity, humility, perseverance, and a dedication to the welfare of children. Above all, Terry was running across Canada for kids. He wanted to ensure that no more children had to suffer what he did as a young man. There is no greater responsibility than the care of a child. We strive to live up to the wonderful legacy of Terry Fox.